Sunday, 8 November 2015

"I went to the playground and look what I found" Find out more

"I went to the playground and look what I found" is a story book designed to be read aloud together to introduce addition and multiplication.  It will enable the younger reader to add in pairs/ or multiply in multiples of twos.

The book will contain the following animals: gorillas, elephants, polar bears, rhinos, tigers, pandas.

All of these animals are endangered species. At the back of the book there will be information about endangered species, what that means, and how to find out more so you can "be part of the solution, not part of the problem."

Below is the beginnings of drawings for the book. If you would like to have one of your drawings in my book, please email your drawing to

If you want to learn to draw an animal go to

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please leave any comments below. Love Michael

PS. If you want to see some of my "Counting Sheep, (So I can Sleep)" book, click on the entry on the right.

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